Thursday 7 April 2011

March Carnival of Bilingual Parenting

The March Carnival is late but it is out! You can find it at Multilingualmama:
A fab collection of post on raising bilingual kids.
And ideal to keep you entertained while blogging on this platform is going to be slow going while we're enjoying the sunshine dealing with a rather ill pre-schooler in Germany.

At least in relation to bilingualism, all the effort of the past 4 years seem to finally have paid off. My older daughter has been transformed into a fluent German speaker. And she still speaks English to me (shakes her head in dismay). She even managed to deal with everything in the hospital easily (I'm Mummy super panic and overproteection and had her checked out in hospital for what is a bad but not serious infection. That's what not spotting meningitis once does to you).

I'll excuse myself while I deal with puke and fever management.

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